Bringing the Café Home: A DIY Coffee Machine Project 15

Enhancing Coffee Moments with a Personal Coffee Machine Project


In today's fast-paced world, the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee often provides a much-needed respite. Seeking to bring that experience closer to home, I embarked on a personal coffee machine project. Join me as I share the journey of creating a coffee machine that combines convenience, craftsmanship, and a touch of innovation.

Title: Enhancing Coffee Moments with a Personal Coffee Machine Project

Imagine waking up to the gentle hum of your own coffee machine, ready to craft a perfect cup of joe tailored to your taste. That was the inspiration behind my personal coffee machine project. With a love for coffee and a curiosity for DIY projects, I set out to create a unique coffee experience within the comfort of my own home.

The project began by crafting a menu of three classic coffee options: espresso, latte, and cappuccino. Each recipe was meticulously designed, ensuring the right blend of ingredients and flavors to satisfy even the most discerning coffee connoisseur.

To bring my vision to life, I incorporated a resource management system. Carefully monitoring water, milk, and coffee levels ensured a seamless brewing process. The machine would intelligently notify me if any resource fell below the required threshold, guaranteeing a consistent and uninterrupted coffee experience.

User-friendliness was a top priority. With a simple interface, I aimed to make the coffee-making process effortless for anyone who used the machine. Upon selecting their desired coffee option, the machine would prompt the user to insert coins, mimicking the traditional exchange of value for a cup of coffee. This attention to detail added an authentic touch to the experience.

Behind the scenes, artificial intelligence played a crucial role. Machine learning algorithms optimized resource management and enhanced the user interface, ensuring the brewing process was efficient and intuitive. However, I always believed in maintaining the human touch. The project struck a delicate balance, where technology seamlessly complemented the artistry of coffee craftsmanship.

As I witnessed the project come to fruition, I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. The machine flawlessly calculated the change due to the customer, guaranteeing accuracy and leaving no room for errors. It also kept track of revenue, providing transparency and accountability.

Source code:

MENU = {
    "espresso": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 50,
            "coffee": 18,
        "cost": 1.5,
    "latte": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 200,
            "milk": 150,
            "coffee": 24,
        "cost": 2.5,
    "cappuccino": {
        "ingredients": {
            "water": 250,
            "milk": 100,
            "coffee": 24,
        "cost": 3.0,

profit = 0
resources = {
    "water": 300,
    "milk": 200,
    "coffee": 100,

def is_resource_sufficient(order_ingredients):
    """Returns True when order can be made, False if ingredients are insufficient."""
    for item in order_ingredients:
        if order_ingredients[item] > resources[item]:
            print(f"​Sorry there is not enough {item}.")
            return False
    return True

def process_coins():
    """Returns the total calculated from coins inserted."""
    print("Please insert coins.")
    total = int(input("how many quarters?: ")) * 0.25
    total += int(input("how many dimes?: ")) * 0.1
    total += int(input("how many nickles?: ")) * 0.05
    total += int(input("how many pennies?: ")) * 0.01
    return total

def is_transaction_successful(money_received, drink_cost):
    """Return True when the payment is accepted, or False if money is insufficient."""
    if money_received >= drink_cost:
        change = round(money_received - drink_cost, 2)
        print(f"Here is ${change} in change.")
        global profit
        profit += drink_cost
        return True
        print("Sorry that's not enough money. Money refunded.")
        return False

def make_coffee(drink_name, order_ingredients):
    """Deduct the required ingredients from the resources."""
    for item in order_ingredients:
        resources[item] -= order_ingredients[item]
    print(f"Here is your {drink_name} ☕️. Enjoy!")

is_on = True

while is_on:
    choice = input("​What would you like? (espresso/latte/cappuccino): ")
    if choice == "off":
        is_on = False
    elif choice == "report":
        print(f"Water: {resources['water']}ml")
        print(f"Milk: {resources['milk']}ml")
        print(f"Coffee: {resources['coffee']}g")
        print(f"Money: ${profit}")
        drink = MENU[choice]
        if is_resource_sufficient(drink["ingredients"]):
            payment = process_coins()
            if is_transaction_successful(payment, drink["cost"]):
                make_coffee(choice, drink["ingredients"])

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