Rain Alert: Your Personal Weather Guardian project 31

 Stay Dry with Rain Alert: Your Portable Umbrella Reminder

How many times have you left your home, only to be caught in an unexpected downpour without an umbrella? We've all been there, and it's an experience we'd rather avoid. That's where "Rain Alert" comes to the rescue – your personal weather guardian in the form of a Python application.

Stay Dry with Rain Alert: Your Portable Umbrella Reminder

Rain Alert is more than just an app; it's your key to staying dry and prepared, no matter what the weather brings. This innovative project leverages the power of technology to provide you with real-time rain alerts via SMS. The concept is simple but effective: it monitors the weather, and when there's a chance of rain, you receive a timely message, letting you know it's time to grab your umbrella and be prepared.

How It Works: OpenWeather API and Twilio Integration

Rain Alert is built upon two powerful tools: the OpenWeather API for accurate weather data and Twilio for seamless SMS notifications. Here's how it works:

  1. OpenWeather API: Rain Alert collects weather data from the OpenWeather API, which provides up-to-the-aminute weather information.
  2. Twilio Integration: When Rain Alert detects a probability of rain, it automatically triggers Twilio to send an SMS to your phone, alerting you to the impending weather change.

Your Weather-Wise Companion

The beauty of Rain Alert lies in its simplicity. It doesn't require constant monitoring or complex setup. You set your preferences, and Rain Alert takes care of the rest. As you go about your day, you can trust that this app has your back, making sure you're always prepared for sudden weather shifts.

Never Get Caught Unprepared Again

Imagine a scenario where you're at work, in a meeting, or simply engrossed in a book at a café. Dark clouds gather, and Rain Alert sends you a message: "Rain likely. Don't forget your umbrella!" Thanks to this heads-up, you can plan accordingly. No more dashing through the rain or getting wet on your way to an important event.

Your Portable Umbrella Reminder

Rain Alert is more than an app; it's your portable umbrella reminder. It's your proactive approach to tackling unpredictable weather conditions. With this project, you'll always be one step ahead of the raindrops.

Try Rain Alert Today

Ready to take control of your outdoor plans, stay dry, and be prepared for any weather situation? Rain Alert is here to help. Download the app, set your preferences, and let it be your personal weather guardian.

Source Code:

#Note! For the code to work you need to replace all the placeholders with
#Your own details. e.g. account_sid, lat/lon, from/to phone numbers.

import requests
import os
from twilio.rest import Client
from twilio.http.http_client import TwilioHttpClient

OWM_Endpoint = "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall"
api_key = os.environ.get("OWM_API_KEY")
account_sid = "YOUR ACCOUNT SID"
auth_token = os.environ.get("AUTH_TOKEN")

weather_params = {
    "lat": "YOUR LATITUDE",
    "lon": "YOUR LONGITUDE",
    "appid": api_key,
    "exclude": "current,minutely,daily"

response = requests.get(OWM_Endpoint, params=weather_params)
weather_data = response.json()
weather_slice = weather_data["hourly"][:12]

will_rain = False

for hour_data in weather_slice:
    condition_code = hour_data["weather"][0]["id"]
    if int(condition_code) < 700:
        will_rain = True

if will_rain:
    proxy_client = TwilioHttpClient()
    proxy_client.session.proxies = {'https': os.environ['https_proxy']}

    client = Client(account_sid, auth_token, http_client=proxy_client)
    message = client.messages \
        body="It's going to rain today. Remember to bring an ☔️",


Never let the weather catch you off guard again. Try Rain Alert today and experience the power of preemptive rain notifications. Your umbrella will thank you! 🌂📲 #RainAlert #WeatherTech #PythonDevelopment


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