100 Days of Code (Python course by Angela) Project 3
Project Name: Duck Adventure
Welcome to an adventurous and unpredictable journey! In this game, you find yourself at a crossroad, your GPS gone rogue. A captivating image of a laptop greets you as you begin your quest. Will you choose to embark on the path of adventure or succumb to unexpected surprises? The decision is yours.
If you dare to venture left, you'll face a lake teeming with wild animals. Quack or swim? Your choice determines your fate. Should you opt to quack, a flotilla of rubber ducks magically appears, offering you a quirky ride to an island. Prepare for a quacking good time!
On the island, a house awaits with three doors: red, yellow, and black. Each door bears a sign, but they seem to be in a heated argument. Will you heed the advice of the red door, only to find yourself in a room filled with inflatable fire-breathing dragons? Or perhaps the yellow door leads you to a treasure trove of golden coins and a spontaneous dance party? Beware the black door, where a surprise tea party with friendly beasts awaits.
Alternatively, if you choose the path to the right or make an incorrect entry, brace yourself for a never-ending pit of dad jokes and humorous wordplay.
Are you ready to dive into this thrilling and whimsical adventure? Let the games begin!
Source code:
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start = input("type 'yeah' to play or 'oh' to exit ").lower()
if start == "yeah":
ready = input("\n You reach a crossroad and realize your GPS has gone rogue. Left is the path of adventure, right is the path of unexpected surprises. Which way will you trust? right or left:- ").lower()
if ready == "left":
quack_or_swim = input("\n You choose adventure, you are now facing a lake full of wild animals: which option you choose 'Quack or Swim\n'. ").lower()
if quack_or_swim == "quack":
print("\n Congratulations! Your decision to wait attracts the attention of a passing flotilla of rubber ducks. They graciously offer you a lift to the island. Prepare for a quacking good time!\n ")
dooroption = input("\nUpon reaching the island, you encounter a house with three doors. 'Red', 'Yellow', 'Black' Each door has a sign, but they seem to be arguing among themselves. Which sign's advice will you follow?\n").lower()
if dooroption== "red":
print("\nYou open the red door and discover a room filled with inflatable fire-breathing dragons. It's like a bouncy castle from hell. Proceed with caution! \n")
elif dooroption == "yellow":
print("\n:) Congratulation! The yellow door leads you into a room overflowing with piles of golden coins, shimmering jewels, and an unexpected dance party. Looks like you've hit the treasure jackpot! \n")
elif dooroption == "black":
print("\nYou turn the handle of the black door and find yourself in a room filled with friendly beasts having a tea party. Join them for a cuppa, or risk becoming the main course? \n HAHAHAH \n")
print("you choose to swim or ***wrong entry*** : Unfortunately! you are now breakfast of a hungry crocodile. ")
print("Uh-oh! The path to the right or ***wrong entry*** leads you straight into a pit of never-ending dad jokes. Prepare yourself for an endless barrage of puns, wordplay, and uncontrollable laughter.")