100 Days of code (Python course by Angela) Project 2

Project Name: Advance Tip Calculator

100 Days of code (Python course by Angela) Project 2


Welcome to the Tip Calculator, a user-friendly Python project designed to streamline the process of splitting bills and calculating tips among a group of people. With this powerful tool, you can easily determine the total bill, allocate individual shares, and calculate the appropriate tip based on your preferences.

Source code:

  print("Welcome to the tip calculator.")

total_bill = int(input("What was the total bill? $"))

number_of_people = int(input("How many people to split the bill? "))

tip_percentage = int(input("What percentage tip would 
you like to give? 10%, 12%, or 15%, 20%: "))

total_tip = tip_percentage/100*total_bill

share_per_head = (total_bill+total_tip)/number_of_people

print(f'Each person should pay: ${round(share_per_head , 2)}')

tip_per_head = total_tip / number_of_people

print(f'Each person pay ${round(tip_per_head , 2)} tip. ')
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